逐鹿三國2 - 君主降臨

by 6waves Mobile




《逐鹿三國2》為你重新定義三國策略戰爭遊戲!由佈防到進攻策略都由你一手包辦,完全掌控戰爭過程,鬥智鬥力,跟全世界玩家決戰,一統天下!識得玩,一定係玩《逐鹿三國2》!即刻下載啦!官方網頁:http://3k.6waves.com/ 官方Facebook專頁:https://www.facebook.com/AoTK.hk遊戲特色: - 進攻、佈防策略戰爭千變萬化,由你全權負責調兵遣將等戰略,只要策略得宜,令你麾下的名將成為王者!- 跟全世界玩家決戰,發動戰爭,一較高下,侵略城池,掠奪資源,成為一統天下的亂世霸主! - 玩家可自組軍團,共同征戰天下,跟敵人決戰,令攻城佈防更多元化! - 近二百名三國名將參戰決戰!每位名將各有技能,更俱戰略性! - 重現三國歷史,讓你親身參與黃巾之亂、官渡之戰、赤壁之戰、暗渡陳倉等大大小小的戰役! - 廣東話聲音演繹!令大家更有親切感! - 支援Facebook帳號登入,一個帳號,手機、平板隨時玩!三國最俱策略性的戰爭遊戲一觸即發,立即下載,跟全世界玩家決戰啦!即刻到官方網頁及Facebook專頁讚好以接收最新消息啦! 官方網頁:http://3k.6waves.com/ 官方Facebook專頁:https://www.facebook.com/AoTK.hk新版本更新項目:遊戲體驗優化

Read trusted reviews from application customers


Chow Keith

Ching Chong buy buy game....don't bother.

Frost Dearwinter



the bug report service in Hong Kong area is bad. it is trouble and useless. sometimes they just give you a link and ask you to report everything again after you submit bug report in app. and the bug is not fixed until the event end(according to my latest experience)... and no rewards for the bug report and no compensation for the bug. it just like nothing happened...

A Google user

個game 本身不錯,可惜客服超爛,問乜都唔會回,有客服等於沒客服, 舉報game 内有人外掛都不獲理會,遲早放棄

William Chow

入唔到game wow 重裝都係咁 fb 問題?

lau jeff

這個遊戲越改越無聊,非課金玩家根本追不了進度 This game is not exciting anymore that cannot follow the events and keep playing without paying for it. Not fun at all

Kit Szeto

This game is not meant for any market outside asia region. The events in the game is based on server time in gmt 8 which would make america and europe player impossible to participate. Dont waste your time if you are not in asia.

kenneth chen

man this mainland games sucks

AT Ron

Can't update after install, hang in 0.00%

Vic Chau